
  • Сергей Осипов Киевский национальный университет строительства и архитектуры,

Ключові слова:

технология реставрации, памятники архитектуры, средства механизации, область рационального применения


Статья рассматривает определение и технико-экономическое обоснование рациональных режимов и способов механизации основных строительных процессов, выполняемых в условиях реставрации памятников архитектуры. Приведены области рационального применения средств механизации для монтажных и бетоноукладочных процессов.


Beljakov Ju. I., Romanushko E. G., Zaporozhchenko S. A., 1987. Sredstva mehanizacij pri rekonstrukcii promyshlennyh zdanij [Means of mechanization for the reconstruction of industrial buildings]. Kiev, Budіvel'nik, 144.

Bіlokon' A. І., 1998. Organіzacіjno-tehnologіchnі aspekti obgruntuvannja jakіsnogo і kіl'kіsnogo skladu budіvel'nih mashin dlja rekonstrukcіi [Organizational and technological aspects of the study qualitative and quantitative composition construction machinery for reconstruction]. Avtoref. dis. na zdobuttja nauk. stupenja doktora tehn. nauk, spec. 05.23.08 «Tehnologіja ta organіzacіja promislovogo і civіl'nogo budіvnictva» [Thesis. Dis. for the degree of Doctor of Engineering sciences for specials. 05.23.08 "Technology and organization of industrial and civil construction]. Kharkiv, 35.

Lancov V. A., 1979. Mehanizacija kapital'nogo remonta zhilyh domov [Mechanization of major repairs of residential buildings]. Leningrad, Strojizdat, 200.

Rekomendacii po mehanizacii stroitel'nomontazhnyh rabot v uslovijah rekonstrukcii promyshlennyh predprijatij [Recommendations for the mechanization of construction and installation work in the conditions of reconstruction of industrial enterprises]. 1988. Moscow, CNIIOMTP, Gosstroj USSR, 48.

Ju. I. Beljakov, L. S. Chebanov, L. P. Motovilova, 1988. Rekomendacii po racional'nomu primeneniju malogabaritnyh pogruzchikov [Recommendations for the rational use of small-sized forklifts]. Kiev, Teplicteh-montazh, KISI, 73.

Osipov S. A., 2011. Metodika issledovanija faktorov, vlijajushhih na vybor racional'nyh metodov restavracii arochnyh konstrukcij i svodov pamjatnikov arhitektury [Methodology of research of the factors influencing the choice of rational methods of restoration of arched constructions and arches of monuments of architecture]. Mіstobuduvannja ta teritorіal'ne planuvannja, Naukovo-tehnіchnij zbіrnik [Urban and territorial planning: Scientific and Technical Collection], No. 41, 313–318.

Osipov S. A., 2011. Obosnovanie osnovnyh grupp faktorov, vlijajushhih na vybor racional'nyh metodov restavracii arochnyh konstrukcij i svodov pamjatnikov arhitektury [Substantiation of the main groups of factors influencing the choice of rational methods of restoration of arch structures and archives of architectural monuments]. Shljahi pіdvishhennja efektivnostі budіvnictva v umovah formuvannja rinkovih vіdnosin: Zb. nauk. prac' [Ways to improve the efficiency of construction in terms of market relations: Coll. Science. papers], No. 24, 89–93.

Osipov S. A., 2012. Obosnovanie i vibor racional'nyh metodov restavracii arochnyh konstrukcij i svodov pamjatnikov arhitektury. Vlijajushhie factory [Rationale and choice of rational methods of restoration of arched constructions and arches of architectural monuments. Influencing factors]. Stroitel'stvo i tehnogennaja bezopasnost': Sb. nauch. trud. [Building and technogenic security: Sat. Sci. work.], No. 44, 64– 68.

Osipov S. A., 2013. Issledovanie stroitel'notehnologicheskih harakteristik arochnyh konstrukcij i svodov pamjatnikov arhitektury Ukrainy [Research of building and technological characteristics of arched constructions and arches of monuments of architecture of Ukraine]. Aktual'nye problemy stroitel'nogo i dorozhnogo kompleksov, materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii [Actual problems of the construction and road complexes: materials of the international scientific and practical conference]. Joshkar-Ola, 30 – 35. 10. Osipov S. A., Chernenko V. K., 2012. Rekomendacii po tehnologii restavracii arochnyh konstrukcij i svodov [Recommendations on the technology of restoration of arch structures and arches]. Kiev, KNUSA, 44.

Osipov S. A., Issledovanie i razrabotka racional'nyh organizacionno-tehnologicheskih modelej restavracii arochnyh konstrukcij i svodov pamjatnikov arhitektury [Research and development of rational organizational and technological models of restoration of arch structures and arches of monuments of architecture]. Naukovo-tehnіchnij zbіrnik «Suchasnі tehnologії, materіali і konstrukcії v budіvnictvі» [Scientific and technical collection "Modern technologies, materials and constructions in building»], no. 2(13), 69–72.

Balickij V. S., Kacman A. Ja., Vlasenko I. A. and others, 1984. Metodicheskie rekomendacii po primeneniju mehanizirovannyh kompleksov na osnove betononasosa [Methodical recommendations for the use of mechanized complexes based on a concrete pump]. Kiev, NIISP Gosstroja USSR, 54.

Volianyuc V., 2013. [Ways of improvement сrane-manipulator installations]. Gіrnichі, budіvel'nі, dorozhnі ta melіorativnі mashini. [Mining, construction, road and meliorative machine], No. 81, 24-30. – (in Ukrainian).

Chernousenko G., 2014. [Principles for desing, manufacture and operation mixers for aerated concrete]. Gіrnichі, budіvel'nі, dorozhnі ta melіorativnі mashini. [Mining, construction, road and meliorative machine], No. 83, 55-60. – (in Russian).

Machishin G., 2014. Robochі organi mashin ta mehanіzmіv dlja ochishhennja poverhon' budіvel'noї tehnіki [The dressing of the diamond and the abrasive tool for the plastering of stone materials]. Gіrnichі, budіvel'nі, dorozhnі ta melіorativnі mashini. [Mining, construction, road and meliorative machine], No. 83, 69-79. – (in Ukrainian).

Sukach M., Shkabura Yu., 2015. [Technogenicecological problems of the use earth-moving and transport technique]. Gіrnichі, budіvel'nі, dorozhnі ta melіorativnі mashini. [Mining, construction, road and meliorative machine], No. 86, 71-75. – (in Ukrainian).




Як цитувати

Осипов, С. (2017). ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ И ОБОСНОВАНИЕ ОБЛАСТИ РАЦИОНАЛЬНОГО ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ СРЕДСТВ МЕХАНИЗАЦИИ МОНТАЖНЫХ И БЕТОНОУКЛАДОЧНЫХ ПРОЦЕССОВ ПРИ РЕСТАВРАЦИИ ПАМЯТНИКОВ АРХИТЕКТУРЫ. Гірничі, будівельні, дорожні та меліоративні машини, (89), 62–72. вилучено із http://gbdmm.knuba.edu.ua/article/view/114394



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